Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 8, 2013

Dear Parents and Guardians,

            I hope everyone had a restful break.  The second semester of school speeds by and I hope everyone is ready!

            I want to remind students and parents that reading logs are due every two weeks, the first for this semester will be handed out today and is due back, with a parent signature on January 22.  Students should log their reading and jot down notes, questions, or connections they’ve made while reading.  Parents are encouraged to discuss reading with students; this helps students make deeper more meaningful connections to reading, build comprehension, critical thinking and analytical skills.  These benefits will be reflected in grades and STAAR testing.

            Students also complete a journal/warm up activity during the first few minutes of class.  Every two weeks journals are collected and graded based on participation.  Students are not accountable for these warm ups when absent, because of this grades for journals cannot be made up. 

            Students can expect homework in English class two to three nights a week, please check with your student and use the database to see when homework is assigned and due.  In some cases students will need to take their text book home to complete work. 

State assessment is also around the corner, students will begin taking STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) in early April.  The rigor of in class instruction and homework will increase to help students prepare for testing. 

Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by email at or by phone at (210) 543-1111 ext. 140.  Please have your student return the bottom portion of this letter with any updated contact information for a participation grade. 

I look forward to a successful and enriching semester with your student.


Amanda Diaz
Seventh & Eighth Grade ELAR
English Department Chair

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For a participation grade please have parents sign and detach.  Return by Friday, January 11, 2013.
Student’s Name:________________________________ grade/section:_________
Parent/Guardian Name/s:___________________________________________________________________

I have read the above letter and understand its contents in full.  My contact information has:
___ Not changed since the beginning of the year.

___ Has changed.  My new number is __________________________ and my new email is __________________________.

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