Students in fourth through sixth grade will create a backdrop of a scene from a novel of their choice and stand in front of it dressed as their favorite character. As parents and visitors walk by
Students will give brief explanations of their chosen character, novel, and scene they’ve chosen to represent.
Seventh and eighth grade students will participate as well, however instead of dressing as their character in front of a back drop students will create a poster of a Facebook page for their protagonist. Please note students are not being asked to create real Facebook accounts. This project will also be worked on in class and at home.
Facebook novel project deadlines
Tuesday, January 17, 2011:
Students must have chosen book and protagonist. This should be done over a book the student has read independently, therefore eighth grade students may not choose from “The Outsiders,” or “Al Capone Does My Shirts.” Seventh grade students may not choose from “Number the Stars,” or “Freak the Mighty.” Students may not use the same book from last year’s wax museum project.
January 23, 2012:
Templates (which were given in class and are smaller than actual project) must be completed and turned in for a grade.
January 26, 2012:
After school workday from 3:20-4:10
This is recommended, but not required.
February 23, 2012:
Final project due
Projects will be displayed in a school wide event and will not be accepted late. If a project is not turned in by this date a zero will be given.
February 24, 2012:
School event
Students will line the hallways to present their projects. Students in 4-6 grade will display Wax Museum projects. Top students will be asked to present at Barnes & Nobles and will have the opportunity to win a prize.
Barnes and Nobles event
Imagine if the same technology we have today existed in the novel you are reading. Technology has advanced our communication through social networking websites like Facebook. With over 500 million users there is a good chance that if Facebook existed in your novel the protagonist would be a user. What would their profile look like?
You will create a Facebook page (on poster board, not a real account) for the protagonist of your novel. Research Facebook and try to make the page look realistic.
· Should be on a poster board or something similar in size
· Information section:
o Name
o Age
o Hometown
o Relationship Status
o Family Members
o Occupation
o Biography
§ This should be in first person point of view from the protagonist covering their life throughout the novel.
· Profile Photo
o Can be drawn or printed if there are photos
· Interests Section
o Favorite activities
o Music
o quotes
· Photos Section
o Draw at least three scenes from the book
· Friends list
o Other characters from the book
o Add yourself too!
· Wall section
o Comments from friends on the wall
o Your protagonist should comment on at least one friend comment
o This should also show groups (at least four) that the character is a member of
o Create an upcoming event that your character would attend
· Status Update
o This should be status updates your protagonist would make throughout the novel
o Characters should change their relationship status, check in at frequented locations, and use other Facebook features.
o There should be at least five updates throughout the wall comments
§ One from character at the exposition of novel
§ One from character at the rising action stage of the novel
§ One from the character during the climax
§ One from character during the falling action
§ One from character during the resolution
*Remember, updates are posted with the most recent at the top of the page. Make sure your updates and wall comments are in the correct order! *